COPOM Graduation Ceremonies

For the new graduates of College of Production & Operations Management (COPOM) now they have proof of capabilities with the COPOM excellent professional credentials given during the graduation ceremonies. COPOM certification, diploma, advanced diploma and post graduate diploma (PGD) awards attest to professional knowledge, skills and competence.   For Further Enquiries, please call: 08069006671, 09023194157, […]

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2022 COPOM Certification Awards

COPOM certification, diploma, advanced diploma and post graduate diploma (PGD) awards attest to professional knowledge, skills and competence. For the new graduates of College of Production & Operations Management (COPOM) now they have proof of capabilities with the COPOM excellent professional credentials given during the graduation ceremonies. For Further Enquiries, please call: 08069006671, 09023194157, 08023140750, […]

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MAY 8, 2020 / BY ADMIN / LEAVE A COMMENT Enrol for Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Post-Graduate Diploma Programmes in Production Management, Supply Chain Management, Production And Operations Management, Purchasing/Procurement Management, Materials Management, Stores And Warehousing Operations Management, Engineering Operations And Technology Management, Project Management And Implementation, Maintenance Operations Management, Quality Management, Safety, Health And Environmental Management, Research […]

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What is COPOM?

College of production & Operations Management (COPOM) is the pioneer and leading professional institution of higher learning in Nigeria. University graduates, practicing managers and executives’ academics entrepreneurs have found COPOM to be a blessing to their careers and businesses. Studying at the college of Production of Production And Operations Management offers opportunities for seamless and rapid learning, practical knowledge learning, professional-ethical skills development as high moral standards and best practices are embedded in the COPOM Curriculum, employment and business data access and more. The breadth and depth of learning enable COPOM graduates to develop innovative [...]

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What is COPOM Nigeria?

College of Production And Operations Management (COPOM) is the National Operations Management Institution that promotes career development in Production And Operations Management in Nigeria by providing world class professional education training capacity development. Study for professional certification, diploma, advanced diploma or post graduate diploma (PGD) at the college of production And Operations Management (COPOM) and gain the capability for high performance leading to the advancement of your career and a successful life. You can reach COPOM on 08069006671/08023140250.Learn full-time, part-time, private study or online and go through practical project-assignments, assessment and examinations to earn yourself [...]

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Production Operations Careers & Skills Training In Nigeria

We are the best and leading training institution in Nigeria. College of Production And Operations Management (COPOM) professional education, training and development programmes help you to address skills-gap and career development needs for long-term success.COPOM Education focuses on practice-based, experiential learning, sharing of world class industry practices and diverse exposures through professional networking.Achieve your goals. Get COPOM Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Post GraduateDiploma (PGD) with the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with it.Employers train their staff at the college of Production & Operations Management – COPOM because we are focused, practice – [...]

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Health and Safety Training in Nigeria-Zero Accident & Hazard Control Course – COPOM

Build your capability to supervise and manage Health and Safety at work, security violence, environment protection, hazard and risk identification and control of hazards, product and process safety, engineering safety, fire first, aid, facility inspections, safety emergence response and other key competencies occupational in health, safety, security and Environmental OHSSE Management.Learn advanced OHSSE principles and how to formulate and implement safety police and security strategies at the college of Production And Operation Management – COPOM Institute for Safety, Health And Environmental Management (ISHEM) get certified and be able an expert in OHSEE system Administration.Champion OHSSE [...]

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School of Agribusiness – Production, Logistics & Supply Chain Training Courses

Develop your managerial and entrepreneurship skills in agribusiness. Learn all it takes to lead productive teams in operations planning, procurement and materials management, storage and warehousing, production, processing, packaging, distribution, logistics and supply chain management. As graduates of agriculture, food science and technology, executives or managers in the agribusiness sector involved in farming, production – […]

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Showing 11 to 20 of 45 results